Friday, April 15, 2011

The Mentalist - Red Gold

This show is normally of a very high quality but they wanted to bring the new boss, Hightower, into the picture, I assume, to build up her character and give her a family background, which I am sure is for future episodes.  So the best way to do that is to involve her in a case.  You have to have Patrick, so they need to get rid of Lisbeth for one episode.  To do this though, they have Patrick overly succumb to 'Gold Fever'. When on a crime scene which is taped off and there are quite a number of prospectors for gold waiting around eager to get to the river to pan (even though they made a point that hardly no one ever goes to this particular spot except one woman who found the body), Patrick starts to get excited about seeing gold in the water and of course the crowd goes wild and breaks through the barrier!  While Lisbeth is trying to hold them back, she is pushed over in the water and sprains her ankle which means she is confined to the office on crutches for the rest of the episode.  Now while I concede that Patrick already surmised that this was not the murder scene, his actions were not what his character would do and were unprofessional and dangerous, which he isn't.
So Hightower has to step up and take the Lisbeth role of second fiddle to Patrick who seems intent on getting his hands on some gold, even trying to steal some!?  What's with that? We find out Hightower is now divorced and the husband is causing issues with their two kids, she's under stress and even hugs Lisbeth at one stage which is completely out of character, supposedly to show she is a real person.
This was a run of the mill murder investigation and not that innovative.  Hopefully things pick up next week.

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