Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Supernatural - Live Free or Twihard

Oh my.  I suppose it was bound to happen.  With the massive interest in Vampires (i.e. Twilight) there was bound to be a show that related to it eventually.  Now I don't know if they were trying to be funny (because it wasn't) but to have the girl victim called Kristen and the boy vampire called Robert and to search for a password to the girl's laptop and try Lautner and "How do you spell Patt...?" was just too much!  I am sure the teenage girls out there who love Twilight thought it was cool, but as a follower of Supernatural, it was a bit lame.
I was sort of hoping for a Bruce Willis cameo to bust up some vamp ass but it was not to be.  That's not to say this was a bad episode.  In fact, this episode revealed a bit more about Sam.
Sam is not Sam.  He stood by and watched while a vampire turned Dean!  What's with that?  And now, Dean remembers and he saw Sam do nothing but smile.  This is going to make things difficult between the two boys.  And he can't go back to his woman because he did that when he was becomeing a vampire and pushed around her little boy.  Of course there was a way to turn Dean back but how the hell were they going to do it?
There was a good line where Dean stops what he thinks is a real vampire but is actually a boy trying to pick up a Twilight loving chick.  Dean asks him if he is wearing glitter.  The vamp answers that it helps him get laid.  Dean stops and asks, Does that work?  Yep!  Dean has to think about that a little!  Ah Dean, that's why we love you, because all us guys want to be a lot like you! (because all the girls want to be with you!).
So who is Sam?  Is he really Lucifer? Or are they are mixture?  Can't wait to find out!

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