Saturday, May 7, 2011

Glee - Comeback

You can imagine my horror when I realised I was about to watch 'The Justin Bieber' episode of Glee.  I can't stand the idea of Justin Bieber or his music.  That was until I saw what he did in Australia recently with the boy who had been bullied to the point of fighting back.  He shared some of his fame with that boy and made him feel special, brought him on stage and met with his family backstage.  Later, that boy was cheered by girls.  The happiness that he felt was because of Justin Bieber, so no matter what I think of his 'manufactured' persona and his bubblegum tweeny music, he is essentially a really good bloke and I applaud him for what he did. 
Which still did not take away my horror of having to watch the Glee crew sing Bieber songs!  Especially with that ridiculous hair cut!  Anyway, Sam thought he would use his one man show "The Justin Bieber Experience" to win Quinn's heart and it worked!  The other guys, except Finn, jumped on board (even Puck had the stupid hair built into a hoodie!) and won the hearts of their women.  Talking about Puck, his new flame, Lauren even fell for it and let Puck know he is on the right track.  She then 'sang' for the first time, "I know what boys like" and no I am sorry, but it is not you. 
Even Sue joined Glee this week.  She has been depressed since losing the cheerleading comp and she tried to commit suicide with jelly vitamins.  This may have been a bit inappropriate.  To get her back on track, it was suggested she join the Glee group and she sang and anthem but not on her own.  She sang in amongst EVERYONE else so we never really got to hear her sing.  A bit of a cop out.
So another change in who's going out with who and this week, not the best pick of songs.  Hopefully next week will be better.  This week was less of a comeback and more of a setback.

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