Friday, May 13, 2011

Star Wars The Clone Wars The Movie

I am a HUGE Star Wars Fan!  I grew up with Star Wars (I was nine when the original movie was released.) and still LOVE it.  So imagine my excitement when there was to be a new movie, albeit in animated form!  I have to say, when I saw it I was completely...underwhelmed.  I was very disappointed in the story and the acting and the whole style.
Now a few years have passed and I have enjoyed watching a season of the animated series and I sat down to revisit the movie in my 2 Disc DVD.  While this movie is not brilliant in any way, it is no where near as bad as I remember it.  In fact there are some very good parts of this.
Let's get the negative bits out of the way.  I can't get past the 'narrator' at the beginning which followed on to the series.  In fact I really don't like the narrator at all.  I am also not a fan of the voice actor for Obi-Wan.  He sounds like he is so over acting.  (However, when you watch the making of documentaries on disc 2, there is a voice recording session and they are not over acting at all and in fact it makes it much more palatable).  I am not a fan of the story of having to rescue Jabba the Hutt's kidnapped son, but you have to start with something right?  Plus it allows the writers to include as many recognisable characters as possible.  I was also a little taken aback by the style of the animation.  The ships, droids and buildings look amazing but the people were a little chunky/solid for me.  However, this has grown on me and I like the style now.
What did I like?  As above, I love the ships and the battles are really brilliant looking, especially the droids versus the clones.  There are some amazing camera moves and sweeps.
I was also very pleased to see (hear?) that some of the original cast had returned to do their voices.  Samuel L. Jackson is back as Mace Windu, Anthony Daniels is the one and only C-3PO and the master himself, Christopher Lee returns as Count Dooku!  What a coup!
The best thing about the movie (and the series) is the introduction of new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.  She brings balance to the film and I look forward to watching future seasons of the show to see how her character develops.
The extras on the DVD are pretty good but there are four deleted scenes and I have to say that two of them should have been kept in the film!  The Racor Pit and the fight with the droid ont he landing pad were just simply exciting and should have been left in the movie.  Might have even made it better.
So not a huge fan of this movie but in revisiting it on DVD, it was not as bad as my memory regarded it.  6/10.

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