Saturday, May 7, 2011

Blue Bloods - Chinatown

In reference ot the Jack Nicholson movie, "Chinatown", this story relates to a woman being pregnant and the process of what happens to the baby once it is born.
The story starts with Jamie meeting his contact in the FBI and telling her he wants out.  While walking away, he witnesses two Asian men assaulting two Asian women in an alley.  Even though he is off duty, he identifies himself and chases one of the men on foot who accidentally runs into the path of a taxi and is killed.
Two things happen, this opens up a search for one of the women who it turns out is pregnant and the other is that Jamie is investigated by Internal Affairs.  They want to know why he was in Chinatown and a witness has him meeting a red haired woman (the FBI agent).
The story of the pregnant woman is about her being an escort and then selling the unwanted baby to a wealthy American family through the Triad.  The difference being is that she wants to keep the baby.  However, as usual with this show, they present another side to the argument in that the Triad see the situation as a win/win for everyone.  The pregnant women want to get rid of the babies and so are able to make some money from selling it, the Triad want the women back to work as soon as possible and they make a LOT of money from selling the babies, and the wealthy American families get what they want, which is a healthy Asian child who will do well in life.  Even the child is better off because they get to be brought up in a loving family home.  It is a strong argument, but one that gets shot down and very complicated once the real mother realises she wants to keep her child.
Not a bad episode but not the best I have seen.  Oh and Danny's partner is back (where did she go last episode?).

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