Monday, October 24, 2011

Leroy & Stitch

I absolutely loved the movie Lilo & Stitch, with it's wonderful hand painted backgrounds, excellent characters, great music and wonderful writing.  There were a couple of spin off DVD movies and a television series where Lilo & Stitch have to round up all 625 experiments.  This DVD release is set after they are all round up and the crew are rewarded with placements throughout the galaxy, but not together.  While they thought this would be exciting, they realise they miss each other.
Meanwhile, Captain Gantu breaks Dr Hamsterviel out of prison.  He tracks Jumba down and forces him to create experiment 627, Leroy.  Worse of all, he then clones an army of the evil version of Stitch!  This is the best thing for our crew as they can once again gather together to fight this scourge!
While the animation is not to the same standard as the original movie, it is the same level as the other movies and TV series.  The best thing is that all of the original voice actors continue to supply the voices for the characters including: Chris Sanders as Stitch, Daveigh Chase as Lilo, Tia Carrere as her sister Nani and Jason Scott Lee as her boyfriend David, David Ogden Stiers as Jumba, Kevin McDonald as Pleakley, Kevin Michael Richardsonas Captain Gantu, Zoe Caldwell as Grand Councilwoman and Ving Rames is back as Cobra Bubbles!
The thing that really impressed me is that there were a number of Elvis songs in the original movie and there are two original Elvis songs in this one!  No short cuts here.
The story isn't bad and while the animation isn't top notch it is OK.  Voice acting is excellent.  This is a must have for any Stitch fan.  Oh and the DVD comes with a bonus episode of the television series and a very simple remote control game where you get to pilot the Big Red Battleship in a 'simulator'.  This was a lot better than I thought it would be. 6/10

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