Sunday, October 9, 2011

The Constant Gardener

I was looking forward to seeing this film, what with it starring Rachel Weisz and Ralph Fiennes, however I had mixed feelings after seeing it.
The story has Ralph Fiennes character, Justin, a British diplomat in Africa, meet Rachel's character Tessa, who is a very outspoken person regarding human rights in Africa and what the British Government are doing about it.  They marry and Tessa continues her work, upsetting people with her bold and forthright behaviour.  However, the movie is incredibly slow in the beginning and the portrayal of Tessa is one of an unfaithful woman who will do anything for her cause.  You will find it very difficult to like her and be sympathetic when she is found murdered.  But stick with this slow-burn of a film because this is where it gets interesting.  At first Justin starts to grow a backbone and investigate the death of his wife even though he is finding out things about her that he doesn't like.  But as he digs deeper, he finds a conspiracy involving a pharmaceutical company that goes right up to the high ranks of the British Government.   Why was his wife murdered and by whom?  And was Tessa really the terrible person that is portrayed in Justin's recollections? 
The movie has a disappointing ending that is able to bring about the downfall of the bad guys but was the final result necessary?

I supposed the final result was necessary, because he really loved Tessa and discovered that his suspicions of her infidelities were unfounded and that she really did love him.  He had nothing else to live for, so he sacrificed himself to achieve the final goal of bringing down the company and the despicable government officials involved.

This was a thought provoking movie.  7/10

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