Friday, June 10, 2011

SciFiNow - Issue 52

Yay!  I have finally caught up with my SciFi Now magazine as well (well as much as you can catch up here in Australia where we are three months behind!).  This month's magazine is a special collector's edition where there are two different variant covers featuring Anna Torv as Olivia Dunham from Fringe.  One cover is from Our Universe and has a blue background and the other is from the alternate universe and has a red background.  As I have my copy put aside for me by my newsagent, I got Our Universe (which funnily enough is the one I would have chosen!)
Lots inside, so let's get into the review:
The Game Of Thrones article was excellent!  I just can't wait till we get this show here in Australia.  Though I have since found out that while it is starting here in July, it will only be on Pay TV, which I don't have because I don't have time to watch the shows I watch now!  Imagine if I had Pay TV?!  I'd never get off the couch! Might have to wait for the Blu-Ray to come out.
Also, talking about Fringe, a great article on the show.  How good is it to have a show that is bucking the trends and getting better each season and getting a larger audience as it goes!  I love Fringe.
How to break into comic books was a great idea too.  Can we have how some people got into directing, producing or writing for TV/Screen?  That would be interesting.
Red Riding Hood looks like crap.  Sorry but I am just not interested.  Though i am surprised Leonardo DiCaprio is involved behind the cameras.  Maybe I can be wrong?  It's happened before!
LOVED the Sucker Punch article too!  Great to hear from Zack Snyder himself and the photos were brilliant.  Need to track down the Art of Sucker Punch.
It was ironic to read the story on 'V' which was obviously written before it was cancelled.  How Crystal Ball of you.
I had never heard of the show Camelot, but am mildly interested in seeing this.  I already watch Merlin and with Game of Thrones now out, are we seeing the transition from science fiction in television, to fantasy?  I really like Joseph Fiennes and the beautiful Eva Green too.
Good interview with Jim Butcher.  I haven't read any of The Dresden Files, but they have gone on to my must read list.  Can't wait to start collecting these books.
I have to say, I was disappointed in the article on The Raven.  I would have liked to have found out more about the poem itself, as well as Edgar Allen Poe and his life.  The article was supposed to be about the book primarily and not him.
The article on the 'complete' guide to Spy-Fi talks about the inference is made that Moonraker was a result of the escalating space race between the USA and Russia.  However, it was actually made into a more space oriented story because of the success of Star Wars two years earlier and they just wanted to jump on it's shirt tails.  Also there is a couple of comments regarding the face changing in M:I3 being too fantastical.  Has Samuel Roberts not seen the TV shows (both original and remake), or the other film installments?  This is a major part of the the success of the team to infiltrate enemy territory.
But all is forgiven because there is an article on The X-Files!  My all time favourite television show.  I just loved the stories and the characters.  Thanks for this.  It was great to see The X-Files mentioned on the cover of a magazine again.
Completely agree with the Modern Classic choice this episode.  The Wrath of Khan was a brilliant Trek film.  Also the story on Area 51 was light but interesting.
Oh, and I ended up being Billy from the Predator film.  That just sucks.

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