Saturday, June 11, 2011

NCIS - Defiance

This episodes starts with a car crashed into a fire hydrant, DiNozzo with a head injury and Vance ordering Gibbs to fix the problem in 48 hours or he will have DiNozzo's and McGee's badges.  Unfortunately, the story isn't really that exciting.
Three days prior, The Secretary of Defence (a Hillary Clinton look-alike - very clever) is meeting with the Defence Minister of Belgravia for a treaty signing when an assassination attempt goes wrong and a US Marine is killed by a suicide bomber.  The signing is moved to US soil so NCIS is asked to protect the Defence Minister's daughter, who is studying in the US.  There are some politics being played with different departments getting some choice roles but NCIS left to do the babysitting.
It is revealed (and just to make sure everyone was keeping up, they even do a quick flashback) that the daughter's Professor is responsible for the bombing in Belgravia.  Then the daughter is kidnapped and it is very obvious that she is in on it.  But then they throw us a curve ball (as only NCIS can) when the Professor shows up dead.
Not a bad episode but not the best.  Please don't pander to your audience.  Give us some credit for sticking with the show for the past seven plus years.

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