Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Empire - Issue 123

Yay!  I have finally caught up!  I have finished an issue of Empire and am writing my review before the next issue comes out.  By the way, while I say that, whatever happened to having the magazine out the first Monday of the month?  Did we miss a deadline a couple of issues back?  Will it be permanently the second Monday of the month from now on?  Doesn't matter!  Still the best damn Australian magazine out there!  Let's talk about this month's issue!
The cover features Transformer: Dark Of The Moon on the cover which I have to say, I am a little excited about seeing.  I actually didn't mind the second one too much.  I know the comedy sidekick was extremely annoying (hope he's not in this one) and the robot testicles was a bit too much, it was what it said on the box - lots of action!  A great feature article too.  I can't believe Michael Bay worked for Lucasfilm filinf storyboard for Raiders!!  Dream job!
Thanks for the article on Snowtown.  I had only been given a third person review that Channel Nine's Richard Wilkins did and it sounded like something I did not want to see, but after reading this article, I feel that while this may be confronting, it sounds like it could be great Australian cinema.
I got the crossword secret word out again!  That's the second month in a row!  Unheard of!  But I have to say, that was the most obscure crossword I have ever done!  Some of those questions were incredibly hard!  Thank you IMDB!
I was surprised by the article on Robert Pattison.  He came across very mature and grounded.  I am interested to see what the future holds for this young man.
Thank you for the second part of the Kubrick biography.  I just loved knowing more about this eccentric film maker who fought very hard to get his thoughts and feelings captured on celluloid through various different stories.  Amazing!
I was also very surprised to read the article on the new movie Burke & Hare starring 'Paul's' Simon Pegg and Gollum/King Kong/Captain haddock himself, Mr Andy Serkis, as well as Aussie Isla Fisher.  How did Simon find time to do this picture too?
An excpetional interview with the great Geoffrey Rush.  What an amazingly humble man.
I was blown away by the article on the film 'Myra Breckinridge'.  I'd never heard of it and the article opened my eyes to the impact that the Manson Family murders had on Hollywood and the film industry in general at the end of the sixties.  I wonder how this film would have been percieved then and now if the murders had never taken place?  I have to say though, Rachel Welch is just stunningly beautiful!  Thank you for the wonderful photos!
And again - 'thanks' for the 'free' posters!  PLEASE give us full size posters on a single sided sheet that is not a tear out of the book.
Completely agree that 'Chinatown' is a masterpiece, but only one page?  Come on.  This movie (and it's under-appreciated sequel) deserve a feature article on their own.  Behind the scenes, interviews, photos.  Let's see that in a future issue!
All in all, another great issue of Empire magazine!

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