Thursday, September 8, 2011

Supernatural - Mommy Dearest

I have to say, I was a little disappointed that the Eve storyline is already over.  Here we were in a new season with a new story following on from five years of story and the introduction of the "Mother of All"TM halfway through the season.  This was going to be a big bad bitch!  Hell, she brought all the monsters into existence!  Surely she will be a problem for the boys especially coming up to the season finale? Unfortunately it was not to be.
The story starts with the boys and Bobby and Castiel tracking her down to a small town where they find a local bar with everyone dead (well sort of).  Eve is starting to turn people into monster hybrids.  Anyway, the team is arrested, bar Dean by cops who are also hybrids.  The team kill all of the cops except one and Castiel gets some information from one of them as to where to find Eve, in a small diner.  There are two boys that the boys rescue and Dean gets them to a relative, only to discover later that Eve had already turned the youngest one who goes on a killing spree!
Eve tells them that Crowley is still alive and that his little plan is to get all the souls for himself for their power.  Eve wants to stop him with the help of the Winchesters. She even appears in the form of their own Mother, but still they won't play so Eve attacks Dean and tries to turn him into a hybrid only to find that he is poison to her.  You see it only took a swig of whisky mixed with some Phoenix ashes (which they got in a DeLorean.  Just kidding!  They had to time travel though!) and that was it!  Big Bad gone bye bye!  An incredible anti-climax.
But we still have three episodes of this season to go and the real story is just coming to the surface.  After getting the team out, Castiel returns to the diner to find Crowley, who he is working with!  Where the HELL is this going to lead?

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