Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Merlin - Goblin's Gold

After the two-part season opener, this episode is much lighter in tone and a bit more kid friendly.
Merlin is sent to the library to search for a book when he accidentally stumbles on a hidden room.  As he investigates, he finds a locked box that is moving and making noises.  Of course he opens the box (which is locked for a reason!) and releases a goblin!  Mark Williams, who plays Arthur Weasley in the Harry Potter films, provides the Goblin's voice.
The goblin gets up to all sorts of mischief.  It inhabits Gaius and makes him go to the Tavern and scam people for gold; he causes Uther to go bald (!) and starts to turn Arthur into a donkey!!  Bradley James really shows some fun acting chops as he brays like a donkey.  This is extremely funny!  Funnier still is when the goblin causes Morgana and Gwen to have bad attacks of flatulence!!  In the King's presence as well!!  Gwen is mortified and doesn't want to show herself in front of Arthur ever again!
This was a fun episode but after watching the second episode, it seemed like nothing happened with the battle and Morgana?!  It was a little off putting to see everyone back to a normal life in Camelot.  Looking forward to getting back into the bigger episodes that get into the mythology of the story of Merlin.

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