Monday, August 29, 2011

House - The Dig

After making a few movies, including Tron:Legacy and Cowboys & Aliens, Olivia Wilde returns to House as 'Thirteen'.  Or should I say, House picks her up, from prison! (Oh, so that's where she's been all this time!)  House decides to take her on a field trip, to a spud-shooting competition!  On the way, she gets House to stop at an address where she knees the groin of the person who answers the door.  A little bit of trivia is that the person is played by Damon Lindelof, the co-creator of one of my other favourite shows, Lost!
Meanwhile the team back at the hospital are dealing with a very sick man who, when they break into his house, they discover appears to be a hoarder.  However, in amongst the massive piles of 'things', they discover the man's wife and the true hoarder who is also sick.  Once again, it is a race to come up with a cure after coming up with many wrong diagnosis.
While out with Thirteen, House discovers she euthanised her brother, who also suffered from Huntington's Disease.  She is worried that one day she will become the same as him but she won't have anyone to do the same for her.  The episode finishes with House promising that he will do it for her when the time comes.
Not one of the strongest episodes but a welcome return of Olivia Wilde.

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