Monday, July 4, 2011

Supernatural - ...And Then There Were None

What a way to clear out some dead wood!  Not that these minor characters were dead wood, but OMG, three of our recurring characters all die in this episode!
Eve is here and her first act as Mother To All, is to create a new monster and then pass it on to it's first host, a Christian truck driver who works at a cannery.  The monster is a worm that enters through the ear canal (as bobby says, the 'Kahn' worm) and not only do you black out but it makes you do violent things you wouldn't normally do.  So the truck driver of course goes home and bludgeons his family to death with a hammer!  He wakes up at the cannery where another worker goes berserk and shoots half a dozen fellow workers before being gunned down by the police.
This episode, Bobby gets to get out of the house and his flannelettes and into some FBI clothing to get to the crime scene where he finds Rufus.  All four of our boys go to the cannery at night to find the monster, only to discover Samuel and Gwen.  Dean leaves the room so he doesn't kill Samuel, but while away, he gets infected and when Gwen comes to speak to him, he shoots her!
In an episode very reminiscent of the film, 'The Thing', the work leaves Dean only to infect one of the others but who?  Samuel is infected, so Sam shoots him in the head but while Bobby and Rufus are cutting him open to get the worm out, he awakens and starts beating them to death.  He is finally pushed onto an exposed electrical wire and is electrocuted and the worm leaves him, only to infect Bobby, who then kills Rufus!!
Our boys tie Bobby up and torture him with the electrical wire and the monster tells them Eve will kill them all before the worm is finally killed and exits Bobby.
This was a shocking episode for the amount of characters that die.  It is an excellent introduction to the Eve character and what she is capable of and it was good to see Bobby doing more than looking up info in a book.  Great episode - AGAIN!

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