Sunday, July 3, 2011

He's just Not That Into You

Being a bloke, this movie did not appeal to me as much as it did for my wife, who watched it twice!  It is an ensemble cast in a movie about relationships that are tentatively (and conveniently) connected.
##SPOILER ALERT!!##  This is the entire movie!
You've got three girls, played by Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly (that must have got confusing!) and Ginnifer Goodwin who all work together.  Aniston is with Ben Affleck who won't marry her even though they have been together for seven years.  His best friend, played by Bradley Cooper, is married to her best friend, Connelly.  Cooper lets Scarlett Johannson jump the queue at the shops one night and she ends up winning an Esky.  She starts flirting with him but he tells her he is married.  Johannson is actually been going out with Real Estate Agent Kevin Connolly but she no longer sleeps with him.  He has just gone on a date with the third girl, Goodwin, who is a desperate girl wanting a guy, constantly waiting for them to call.  She tries to find Kevin but ends up talking with his brother, played by Justin Long who tells her the facts about guys and how they treat women.  She uses him as a sounding board to see if she is dating dopes or not.  Eventually, she falls for him but he doesn't realise he loves her till he rejects her and she walks out on him.  She tells her friends all about the facts about guys, which causes Aniston to leave Affleck, only for him to be there to help when her Father, Kris Kristopherson, has a heart attack.  Meanwhile, Connelly thinks her husband is smoking which he denies (she hates smokers because her Dad died of lung cancer) but all the time he is having an affair with Johannson.  He even tells her so he can leave her but she tries to save the marriage and turns up at his work to have sex with him, just as he was about to have sex with Johannson!  He hides her in the closet and screws his wife while Johannson has to listen.  Afterwards she walks out on him!  Connelly thinks everything is good but then finds more smokes, which is the last straw, so she throws him out.  Now he has no one.  Johannsen goes back to Kevin but she realises he doesn't love her and he ends up with Drew Barrymore (she was a producer), who puts his real estate ads in the paper!
If you are a guy, then my rating of 5/10 is sufficient.  But for girls, you will probably want to give this movie more points.  But seriously, I just wasn't in to this movie.

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