Sunday, January 15, 2012

Glee - The Purple Piano Project

After the incredibly disappointing season two finale, I have returned to Glee to give it another chance to keep me watching and I have to say, the season three opener, directed by Eric Stoltz, has given me another boost, (but as I am writing this late, I have missed a few episodes this season, and I really don't feel as bad as I thought I would).
Anyway, it is a new year for the kids of McKinley High and while we have lost the useless Lauren as well as Sam (who probably didn't get as much of an opportunity to shine as what he deserved), Quinn has also left the group and changed her look and joined the bad girls.  She refuses to rejoin New Directions. This could have a good storyline as long as she redeems herself.
So Mr Shuster decides they need more members and places three purple pianos around the school and asks the kids to spontaneously perform around one if they see it.  One of the best numbers for a while is The Go Gos "We got the beat" that the kids perform in the cafeteria.  It was really great but no one in the cafeteria was really getting in to it, until Becky throws food at the Glee Club and starts a massive food fight.  That didn't go well.
You see Sue Sylvester is up to her old tricks again and has tasked both Becky and Santana to sabotage the Glee Club at any opportunity.  She has already cut the strings of the first piano!
They only get one recruit, Sugar, and she can't sing for crap!  Thankfully Mr Shuster knocks her back.  I hope they don't keep her in the show. 
They do however, gain Kurt's boyfriend, Blaine, who leaves Dalton College to be closer to Kurt and he sings Its Not Unusual, with Santana and the rest of the Cheerios as back up dancers.  But Santana and the girls dowse the last piano in lighter fluid and Quinn flicks her cigarette onto it, causing it to burst into flames!  Because of this, Mr Shuster throws Santana out of New Directions!  Gee, they'll end up with no one soon!
And speaking of Kurt, he and Rachel want to try out for a college in New York but are intimidated by the awesome talent of the rest of the group there.  Are they not good enough?
This was a much better return to form for the show with some great numbers and storyline setting up the new season.  I hope it can maintain the excellence.

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