Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Butterfly On A Wheel

I had seen this movie for sale on DVD and saw it was a Pierce Brosnan film, but I knew nothing about it.  I then saw that it also starred Gerard Butler and Maria Bello.  I love all these actors, why have I never heard of this film?  It came on TV and I decided to tape it.  While this is not a brilliant film, and you must suspend a level of disbelief, it is a clever story that will keep you on the edge of your seat right till the revealing conclusion.
It's the story of Neil (Butler) and Abby (Bello) Warner who live an idyllic life.  They appear to be happy in their jobs, their love life and their daughter, Sophie.  One night, the wife is going to go out with her girlfriends and the husband has a meeting with his boss, so they get a babysitter.  However, while driving, they have a man, Ryan (played deliciously by Pierce Brosnan) sit up in the back seat with a gun who tells them that he has their daughter and unless they do everything he says, he will kill her.  He forces them to take out all of their savings but then he sets fire to the case and throws it out of the car.  So if it is not their money, what does he want?  It becomes clear, he is going to destory their idyllic lifestyle, from Neil's work, to the relationship with his wife.  When he tries to trick Ryan, Neil finds he is one step ahead of him.  Even when he goes to the police, they have already been advised of the story he might come in and say.
Why does Ryan want to punish these people?  And to save his daughter's life, will Neil commit murder by killing his own boss?
A very clever story.  I recommend you stick with it, you will enjoy it! It's great to seeMr Bond playing the villian with such relish! 7/10

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