Thursday, January 19, 2012

Body Of Proof - Broken Home

The season one finale certainly has a lot going on.  The thing I like about this show is that it is never clear cut who the killer is and why they do it.  There are ALWAYS plenty of red herrings set up.
Case in point: Lacey, Megan's daughter, is in the Principal's office because she was showing a photograph of a young socialite who had died being taken away from her house.  Megan, always on the job, notices something wrong with the photo: the blood from the girl has not travelled in the direction it would have if the girl had died in bed as the family has said.  Megan interrupts the funeral for the girl and takes the body, much to the family's anger.  After Megan investigates, she finds a cord mark around the girl's neck and on checking the girl's bedroom locates a curtain cord that matches and it comes out that she killed herself because she was very sick and the family wanted to keep it quiet and respect her dignity.  The family members include her mother, her brother and her sister as well as a young man from South America.  However, after further investigation, Megan discovers bruising that proves someone murdered this girl.  Was she killed for her money?  Her family was very wealthy and she was leaving her money to a Rainforest Charity in South America.
A few things come out: the girl had suffered from gout, but the medication she was on for her illness cures gout, so Megan checks the pills and finds they are only sugar and that the Mother has been responsible for not curing her own daughter!  She was keeping her sick to keep the friends she had that only seemed to be there because of the sick girl.  Did the mother kill her because the girl found out?
The brother has been trying to get her to change her choice of charity.  Is this motive to kill her?
The sister had been disinherited due to drugs.  Was she after her sister's money? And what connection is there with the boy from South America, the same place her Rainforest charity is from?
The team discover the sister's DNA under the girl's toe nails and it has a bug in it that can only come from South America.  They deduce that the sister and the boy from South America were in on it together.  They arrest them and cajole the boy by saying the sister is going to pin it all on him.  He tells them that the Rainforest Charity was a fraud that he and the sister set up so she could get her money, but she was going to change the charity because her brother had convinced her.  The sister couldn't have that.  She strangled her sister and then strung her up to look like suicide.  After the case is solved, the body is released for burial, but they arrest the mother for denying the girl her medication.
Meanwhile, while all this was going on, Lacey thinks her mother and her father are getting back together.  When Megan asks why, she says that her Dad has been coming home late at night and that there have been many calls coming from her Mother's office.  Megan proves it isn't her that is calling and deduces that her ex-husband is now sleeping with her boss!  Oh that's gonna cause some issues in the new season!! 

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