Saturday, November 26, 2011

Camelot - Lady In The Lake

Another episode that gives us a major plot point in the Arthurian Legends but is not what you would expect.  Having drawn the sword from the stone, we find out that it is not Excalibur.  Merlin knows Arthur needs a new sword and seeks out the best sword maker in the land.  This is where it all gets bit murky.  I couldn't follow why Merlin lost the plot with the sword maker and ends up 'accidentally' killing him.  He asked the sword maker to make a sword, which he did, but then he wouldn't hand it over?  Anyway, the sword maker's daughter comes in just as her father dies and she takes the sword.  Her name is 'Excalibur'. (I have to admit this sounds a bit silly for a girl's name, but hey, it's for the story.)  Merlin chases her as she jumps in a boat and heads out onto the lake and threatens to throw the sword in.  Merlin causes the water to freeze to hold the boat and to stop her from throwing the sword in.  However, Excalibur over-balances and falls in through the ice and is trapped under the ice.  In a panic, she stabs the sword through the ice to help her get out, hence the iconic image of the woman's arm extending out of the water holding the sword.  Brilliantly clever.  Merlin grabs the sword and tries to break the ice to save Excalibur, but he fails and she drowns.  He is horrified by what he has done and allows himself to be beaten in a pub to allay his guilt.  He presents Arthur with the sword, telling him the name of the sword is Excalibur and telling the story as we know it, not as it really happened. 
Meanwhile, Merlin isn't the only one paying the price of using magic.  Morgan has physical consequences from using her magic and may be dying.  A nun turns up at Castle Pendragon who Morgan knows but she won't let in.  Apparently the nun looked after her while she was exiled from her Father's home.  Eventually, the nun gains entrance and performs a ceremony to save her.
Another decent episode but a bit confusing as to what the hell is going on.  Perhaps it will get clearer as time goes by.

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