Sunday, November 27, 2011

501 Movie Favourites

I recently purchased a couple of DVDs from my local Big W store (Aussie department store) where I was given a free copy of a magazine called 501 Movie Favourites "Australia's Most Popular DVDs".  I love a good DVD magazine and it helps with my collection of movies, so I was excited to sink my teeth into this full colour glossy mag.  I have to say, this was the absolute WORST editorial job I have ever had the displeasure of reading.  It was so incredibly frustrating because of the constant mistakes throughout this book.  I know it was free, but if you are going to do something, do it right.  Put 100% into it.
Firstly, how did they work out what was the 501 movie favourites and their order?  Was it on sales, did they do a survey, or is it just really random (which is what is seems) because there is no way in hell that "The Benchwarmers" came in at 193 but Jurassic Park is at 292!  Plus how could movies that had not even been released on DVD at the time this mag came out be in this list?  Like Water for Elephants and Bridesmaids which for some god forsaken reason is down as rated PG!!!  I am pretty certain it is MA15+!!
There are countless grammatical errors throughout the book, plus accuracy errors.
Wrong images for the wrong movies!  Wrong actors listed for movies and don't get me started on the review for Disturbia.  It was not Cary Grant "mugging away in his superb style from a wheelchair" in reference to being the star of Alfred Hitchcock's 'Rear Window'.  As any decent cinefile would know, it was Jimmy Stewart!  It was bad enough to read it once, but then it gets mentioned again!
Some of these reviews appeared to be written some time ago.  Oh and I certainly did not appreciate the numerous attempts at trying to be hip and write something disgusting.  Kids pick these things up and look at it (The back cover is an ad for the Rio Blu-Ray.) and I certainly wouldn't want my children to read some of the comments you put in your magazine.
This was a pathetic attempt at trying to sound knowledgeable but only succeeded in coming across as pretentious and so incredibly wrong!
If you get offered this magazine, turn it down.  It took ages to read and made me angry each time I read it.  I can't believe the editor even looked at the book before it went off for printing.  Simply just terrible.

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