Friday, November 25, 2011

Camelot - Homecoming

'Merlin' this ain't!
Another television series based on the Arthurian Legends but this time with Joseph Fiennes (recently in Flashforward) in the role of Merlin (all grown up but no beard - actually no hair on his head either!), Eva Green (recently in The Golden Compass) as Morgan Le Fay and Claire Forlani (currently in NCIS:Los Angeles) as Arthur's mother, Queen Igraine.  Arthur is played by the young Jamie Cambell Bower who was in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One.
Setting the scene, Morgan shows up at Castle Pendragon only to find she is no longer welcomed by her father, King Uther, who backhands her, drawing blood.  Later, using her magic, Morgan changes her appearance and poisons her father.  Merlin arrives to late to save him, but gets him to sign over the kingdom to his illegitimate son.  Merlin then turns up at the farm where Arthur has been living all his life, unknowing he is actually adopted.  His introduction has him having sex with his 'brother's' girlfriend!
While he at first does not believe Merlin, on the urging of his adopted parents, he agrees to follow Merlin to the decrepit run down castle of Camelot.  He takes his brother with him.
Meanwhile, Morgan is trying to form an alliance with Uther's enemy, King Lot, based on the idea that she is the only known heir to the throne, but then they hear of Arthur and rush to Camelot to find out about him.
As I said, this is NOT 'Merlin'.  We have sex with a bit of nudity, some swearing and a bit of gratuitous violence.  In Australia we got two episodes per night back to back, so this was part one on the first night.  Good start so far.

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