Friday, March 18, 2011

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emporer

The third movie in The Mummy series brings Brendan Fraser back as Rick O'Connell to fight another 'Mummy' but this time it is an ancient Chinese Emporer played by the amazing Jet Li. The Emporer was discovered by Rick's son Alex, who's all grown up now and played by 'Australian' (actually born in Canada) Luke Ford.
Another character who has had their actor replaced is Evie. Now I love Rachel Weis but I am VERY impressed with her replacement Maria Bello who is just as pretty and does an amazing job of embodying Evie. John Hannah returns as Jonathon but doesn't steal the show but still does a great job.
The story involves traveling from London to Shanghai to The Himalayans and then to China and The Great Wall. Stephen Sommers takes a back seat this time as only a producer and I have to say this was so much better than The Mummy Returns. The director is Rob Cohen and while I have not enjoyed most of his films I thoroughly enjoyed this.
Recognizable characters in a great story with some truly spectacular set pieces and fantastic special effects.
These movies are the movies you enjoy while waiting for another Indiana Jones story. There were a number of Indy references (or is it plagiarism? Don't really care because this was so much fun!).
I really enjoyed this movie and I am hoping there is going to be a fourth film set in Peru as per the little temptation at the end. Here's hoping they do it! Score 9/10

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